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Your Ultimate Guide to Defensive Driving Approach


Defensive driving approach is one of the best ways to avoid dangerous road accidents and have a safe and stress-free driving experience in any kind of driving conditions. This is a safe driving approach that is helpful for every motorist to know and practice, especially if they are young and inexperienced. Most of the times car accidents happen when the motorists are distracted, nervous because of the traffic or some other complications. Motorists who follow the traffic rules have a safe driving experience. However, there are still a few things every motorist should keep in mind and practice to limit the number of dangerous road accidents. 

Here is everything motorists should know about defensive driving approach. 

Car Maintenance is Essential 

Properly maintaining a vehicle is essential as a well-maintained vehicle is less likely to breakdown when met with challenging conditions or in the middle of the road. A poorly-maintained vehicle can suddenly break down and cause a dangerous road accident. Therefore, whether the motorists take their vehicle out for a long road trip or in-city driving, it is essential that they maintain their vehicle thoroughly. There should be no mechanical defects that can compromise the performance of the vehicle. The braking system, air conditioning, suspension and every other relevant factor should be well-maintained as well to ensure a consistent and smooth performance of the vehicle. The car tyres are equally important and should be thoroughly checked, if the damage is beyond repair then they should be changed in time.  

Know the Use of Advanced Technologies 

Another important aspect of adopting defensive driving approach is to understand the functions of advanced technologies that are now available with every modern-day vehicles. There are a number of latest safety features and advanced driver-assistance systems that offer a safe and stress-free driving experience to the motorists, even in challenging driving conditions. Therefore, motorists should take their time to learn about these technologies so they can make use of these technologies when needed. This can greatly increase the safety of the occupants and other commuters on the road. 

Driving at a Safe Distance from the Vehicle Ahead 

Failing to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle that is in front is called tailgating. This is one of the traffic violations that should be avoided as it can result in a front-end collision. Every motorist is advised to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead so they can bring their vehicle to a stop if the car in front has applied emergency brakes. If the motorists fail to maintain a safe distance with the vehicle ahead, it can result in a collision where the motorists might not be able to bring their vehicle to a stop in time. Therefore, motorists should avoid tailgating in order to stay safe while driving, especially in conditions when the traction on the road is low and compromised. 

Avoid Violating Traffic Rules and Regulations 

The traffic rules and regulations are essential to follow by every motorist, regardless of the driving conditions. The traffic rules are set into place to limit the number of dangerous road accidents and to maintain a smooth flow of traffic. Motorists who violate the traffic rules have to pay heavy fines. Therefore, every motorist should follow the traffic rules and regulations that include: 

·         Avoiding tailgating 

·         Following the speed limits 

·         Jumping the red signal 

·         Maintaining lane discipline 

·         Overtaking from the ride side 

Sitting in the Right Driving Position 

Sitting and maintaining the right driving position is one of the most important parts of the defensive driving approach. It is essential to sit in an upright position as it offers utmost control over the vehicle and makes it easy for the motorists to maneuver the vehicle. Motorists should have both hands on the steering wheel and adjust their position according to their height and legroom. Maintaining the right driving position can prevent the sudden loss of control over the vehicle and help the motorists in steering their vehicle to safety.  

Also Read: Car Wash Tips 

Staying Focused While Driving 

Staying attentive while driving is yet another essential part of the defensive driving approach as it can keep the motorists safe from dangerous road accidents. If the motorists are attentive while driving they will be able to detect the nervous or reckless drivers on the road. This will help them maintain a safe distance from such drivers. If the motorists stay alert while driving it can also help them to steer clear of any trouble in a timely manner. Therefore, motorists should make sure that they do not use their mobile phones, eat, drink or interact with other passengers while driving. 

Final Takeaways! 

Knowing about the defensive driving approach can help the motorists stay safe and have a stress-free driving experience, especially the inexperienced motorists. Therefore, every motorist should know the helpful details that are mentioned above in detail. 


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